Ryan Update

Just a quick note about Ryan's surgery, he's home now and came through the operation with flying colors. His family came in from Georgia they showed up while he was in surgery and was able to see him once he woke up. He is resting now and still a little drugged up but doing good. I'm sure he will be back on here soon with a better update. I wanted to add a song with my update that I recorded of Ryan singing at karaoke but I can't figure out how to do it. I may ask one of the boys to help me with it later, they know more about this tech stuff than I do.

12 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you Kadin...
    Now Ryan...RUN BOY! RUN!! LOL!!!
    HA!! I do that to the kids that
    are on crutches at school...It's
    fun :)

    Oh Kadin...Did Ryan tell you about
    the trade we made? I bet not...



  2. Bret Says:

    Glad things went well!!!

    Take good care of both of you.

  3. jimm Says:

    gotta get that song on!!!! Thanks for the update!

  4. naturgesetz Says:

    Thanks for the great news!

    Give Ryan my love.

    Hope the recuperation goes perfectly.

    Word verification: sunbed
    just the thing for recuperation — lying out there soaking up the sunshine

  5. Mr. Urs Says:

    I'm glad it went well. I wish a swift recovery.

  6. A Lewis Says:

    Please be sure to tell him hi from me and a giant kiss and hugs.....

  7. Brad Says:

    You write very well, Kadin. You should consider your own blog. Thank you for the update. It's good to know Ry-Ry is okay.

  8. CreamedHoney Says:

    Of course we're glad to here Ryan has come through with flying colors--it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. While we try to get more comprehensive health care passed it's good to remember how far orthopedic
    surgery has come in recent decades.
    Our best to Ryan and of course to you for taking care of him

  9. elise Says:

    Thanks, Kadin---love to Ryan!!!

  10. ryan field Says:

    Thanks Kadin...glad Ryan's doing well.

  11. yay! drugs r your best friend after surgery, I should know. I would love to hear Ryans singing voice hehe! I hope you can upload it to youtube or something like that. If you need help with anything Kadin I am here if ya need me.

    Ryan, you take care of yourself beautiful. Oh and Kadin, love your writing style. ^_^

    Both of you take care n stay well.

    Love, peace, and many hugglez

  12. Laurie is a nut! LOL Take care of yourself Ryan!