Things Going On

Sorry it's takin me so long 2 post something. Just been a lot going on since I got back. Yesterday I was surprised with tickets 2 the Tampa Bay Buccaneer game they played Atlanta Falcons and killed them. I am tore between them 2 teams being raised in Atlanta I have been a Falcon fan and my Mom being from the Tampa Bay area I always supported the Bucs 2. So when they play each other I just want the best team 2 win and this time it was the Bucs. I had a awesome time up there and met a few new friends so all in all it was good.
On another note I talked 2 Mikey well he called me all upset he was called back 2 his apartment and someone broke in and stole his stuff. His computer some jewelry and other things. He was really upset and I can't blame him I hate that shit. Anyway he ask me 2 publish his comments for him he gave me the password so I could. Please go over 2 his blog and let him know it will be ok somehow just so he knows we care. This really sucks for him he is doing so well he thinks he knows who is behind it.
Wednesday I am going 2 a Christmas party it's at a club. I am not a big club person but I couldn't say no. The guys giving the party are really good friends and I guess they rented the club just for there Christmas party. I think it will be fun there gonna have gogo boys and all there I can only think of what they will have. I'll let ya'll know how it goes. Oh the surprise is looking real good so stay tuned for that. I'll have more so stay tuned I have London stories and lot's more coming up. Jet lag is such a bitch!
6 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    OMG!I'm so sorry to hear about Mikey being robbed. I wondered why he hadn't put our comments on there. He needs to live with friends and go to college in a city farther south. In a state that is a peach of a place.
    Don't let Corey near those Go-go boys. He will go stark raving mad and slobber all over the floor.haha! big bear hugs, Ed

  2. Anonymous Says:

    And you be a good boy, too, Ryan--your Mom doesn't want to see embarassing photos of you on the internet! ;-)

    That totally sucks about Mikey--I also was wondering why my last comment hadn't been posted.

  3. Uncle Gerry Says:

    Sorry to hear about Mike's loss, but am so glad he called you for support. I am still waiting for the details on the London trip, so why have you and Corey not IM'd me yet?

  4. Poor Mikey! That does suck. It's happened to me more than once and you really do feel violated.
    I already told you what I think the surprise is in my comments below hehe...

    P.S. I have the same quandry if the GB Packers play the Steelers which luckily they normally don't.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Ohh AWESOME post Ryan! :o) I'm so glad you had such a great time at the game & made some new friends as well.

    I'm so incredibly sorry to hear about Mikey as well. :o( I sent him an e-card wishing him the VERY best and praying he'll be safe. Yeah...I have a pretty friggin good idea of who's behind it as well. I'm so very glad he called you and let you know.

    HOLY FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!! :o) I hope you have a very wonderful time at the party. It sounds sooo very friggin HOTT! I can't wait for the surprise as well.

    I totally can't wait to hear more of your London stories. :o)
    Take care!

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Glad you are back, and I can't wait to hear all about your surprise. Take care my friend.