Can You Help

With the hustle of Christmas many of us over things we don't do it on purpose just this time of year we all do it. So I want to but a reminder out there. There are many charities that need help this year. There are many families out of work that could use a little help if you know any of these people buy an extra toy for there kids or food for the family. If you don't know any think about maybe toys for tots down here they have barrels at most the banks. I also here that all NFL football games this weekend the Marine's will be there collecting toys. All these are good things but don't forget the animals. This my favorite thing to do is help the animals in shelters ya'll know I am a animal lover so helping them is what I like doing. It can be real easy if you have old blankets that you don't use and gonna throw out anyway drop them off at your local shelter. This time of year in the north where it's cold and snowy they could use the blankets. Maybe when your out shopping pick up a few toys or a bag of food drop them off. Cash always works well also and trust me you will feel good about yourself. I tell ya I believe in this so much you know these stars that pose semi nude for peta to make a point I would do that hell I would do it totally nude if it save an animal I believe in it that much. You can click on any of these cute pics and it will take you to a site so you can help if you can a couple is in my town where I go and help one is in Tampa and 2 are national. Let me say thanks for those that help!
10 Responses
  1. ryan field Says:

    Nice Post. It's important!!

  2. Cash Says:

    You have a very interesting blog dude. It hooked me in for a while. Hope you're doing well kid.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Did I hear you say something about
    Kadin and 1/2 nekkid!!!! OH no...
    You're sending me Kadin dressed as
    a Marine!! No...Nothing about Kadin
    in this post??? *sigh* JK!

    There was one year that Josh took
    ALL the money he saved throughout
    the year and bought a TON of stuff
    for the animal shelter...He had
    so much fun picking out stuff and
    bringing it to the library to
    put under the tree to be delivered
    for all the animals...Blankets were
    the biggest thing for us...The
    Dollar Store had some good ones
    for pretty cheep and would keep the
    animals warm...He got treats,food
    brushes...So much stuff...

    I've totally got to get stamps and
    get these cards out of here quick!

    Loves ya!


  4. Eirik Says:

    Dude! You are so right! I have two rescue dogs myself and we regularly donate toys ans such to our local shelter. Thank you for this reminder.

  5. elise Says:

    You have such a good soul, Ryan! It's below zero up here in Chicago today, and I know the shelter animals will need lots of extra warmth. Thanks for reminding us, sweetie!

  6. Unknown Says:

    Thanks so much for speaking up for orphaned animals! You have a big heart. They need all of us and the generosity folks extend to shelters at this time of year is what makes my holiday happy! We can end euthanasia if everyone steps up and does their part: *spay/neuter*volunteer*donate p.s. re nakid - you can help Humane Society and purchase nearly naked calendar

  7. Anonymous Says:

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  8. Anonymous Says:

    Bit late catching this post but when I finally got to read it I was so touched I just had to say something.You are right when it comes to charity or animals are usually the forgotten ones.When a person decides to have a pet many forget that it is a commitment for that animals life so having a pet is a big decision not to be taken lightly.
    Animal shelters do such a great job that they really deserve any help we can give them and I think it is a wonderful thing that you are using your blog to bring attention to this problem,
    Kindest regards Stef and his best friend Sandy Dog.

  9. Jen Says:

    That's a good idea. I have old towels...instead of throwing them out I'll send them to the shelter with my daughter.

  10. Gail Says:

    Hi there as the Kennel Manager of Bishop Animal Shelter, Thank you very much for what you said about the shelters, it's all true we can use anything that gets donated to us and it all helps the animals. I got an email about your blog and I'm glad to read it. Thanks again for helpin all of us out.