One Day

I know there are many questions and I am the only one that has the answers ya'll seek but right now I just can't answer them. Maybe in time I can and will but now is not the time. Just know I am somewhat better now and I am safe. The emails and comments mean the world 2 me. I will answer all the emails just give me time ok! Life has been very dark 4 me the last few months and I am looking for the light and I think I see it I just can't get my feet 2 move I think in time I will. I've made some choices this last month that I am second guessing now not sure I did what was best for me now I am tryin 2 fix them and just don't know how. I guess like everything else it takes time!
10 Responses
  1. True - everything just takes time. Hugs honey. I'm thinking of you!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Please get better Ryan, you light up my life. Song cue: "You light up my life, you give me hope to carry on. You light up my days, and fill my nights with song. It can't be wrong if it feels so right, cause you, you light up my life--Debbie Boone

    It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

    I have often been driven to my knees, by the belief that there was no where else to go--Abe Lincoln

    "If your heart is in your dreams, no request is to extreme, when you wish upon a star your dreams come true--Jiminy Cricket

    When life throws you a lemon make lemonade, when life throws you a condom make sex--Ed Haha, made you smile Ryry. a big firm gay hug from your friend always, Ed

  3. A Lewis Says:

    Why, I outta come down there and paddle your little white skinny good friend. Kidding! But you know I'd at least consider it if I were closer.

  4. Troystopher Says:

    Good Luck!!!


  5. Anonymous Says:

    Keep moving forward, Ryan--can you feel all of the blogger love gently pushing you to a better place?

    I know you'll share details when it feels right to you--the most important thing is to keep searching for the answers--WHILE STAYING HEALTHY, and accepting the help I know you are being offered by your doctors, family, and closest friends.

    Sending you love and big hugs, and a couple of smiles thrown in for good measure...

  6. Java Says:

    I'm very glad to hear that you are safe. That is my main concern. I'm sorry you are hurting. I know the frustration. Good luck, sweetheart.

    Do you know the song Ed is "singing" by Debbie Boone? It's an oldie and you aren't, so I wondered. I've got the damn thing stuck in my head now... Thanks ED!!!

    I love you. I hope you keep moving forward. Sometimes you've got to move through the bad before it gets good again.


  7. Laurie Says:

    I'm just glad you're there Sweetie.
    Know too that I will always be by
    your side through it all. I'm there
    for you!!

    Me lubs you!

  8. Willow Says:

    Hang in there sweetie. Sometimes you have to go through some incredibly tough times to see the good afterwards.

    Email me when you get a chance, ok?

  9. Polt Says:

    Hang in there baby. Big hugs.


  10. Mr. Urs Says:

    I reckon, I will have put my faith in time.