Giving More Thanks

I want to give more thanks..............

My Parents, Kadin, Ty, Corey all of you that read my blog all the support the past 7 years. Thanks for the comments the advice the emails. They mean more too me than I could ever explain. Thanks for caring about my health and for more than anything thanks for being my friend. I hope and wish ya'll have a wonderful and fulfilling Thanksgiving. I feel very blessed and very loved that's an awesome feeling and I wish I could bottle it up and give it to the world. Be safe and come back here after Thanksgiving or I'll come and find you! Don't forget about the Christmas card exchange if you want one from me email me at

Much Love!
16 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Baby Boy!!!

    I loves ya more then you will
    ever know :)



  2. ryan field Says:

    That was a nice post.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!


  3. Just Says:

    Ryan Happy Thanksgiving ....
    That Thanks goes both ways. Although wish I would of found you sooner ... lol ... Tell Ty and Kadin Happy Thanksgiving for me too.

  4. Cooper Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Ryan. I like Just wish I found you sooner.

  5. Eirik Says:

    Nice post Bro! I think the Thanks do go both ways - still being kind of the new kid on the block here, I am overwhelmed with the love and support that goes on in this community and I am very thankful. Have a great Thanksgiving!


  6. A Lewis Says:


  7. jimm Says:

    Ryan, thanks for being a friend!

  8. Happy Happy Thanksgiving sugar and I Love your pic - so Leave It To Beaver! LOL

  9. Jen Says:

    Thanks for your comments on my blog as well. Have a great holiday!

  10. I wish you and all your family a lovely Happy Thanksgiving. How wonderful to have your Grandparents there Ryan...And all the way from London!
    Enjoy it all, and EAT GOOD! I hope you feel better very very quickly, my dear...!

  11. Anonymous Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Ryan

  12. Happy Thanksgiving again, your post makes me smile.

  13. Bret Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    Hope you are feeling better.

  14. Ty Says:

    happy thanksgiving Ryan

    n i'm thankful that i have found your blog man cause just reading it enriches me

    Peace, Love & Respect:)

  15. happy thanksgiving! ^_^

  16. Much love to you back and i'm very thankful I found your blog and adopted you as my baby brother. I love this picture!